Wednesday, April 27, 2011



I haven't been blogging for over a month because I've been to busy practicing for the Easter Concert. The practices started off on Sundays and Tuesdays nights and the closer it got to Easter itself, the practices became longer and more frequent. Poooftt. I'm so tired. :)

and we did two photoshoots to advertise the Easter Concert.

the emo one:

the happy one:

Hehehe :)

Even though the practices were tiring, they were fun and I gained a lot of stuff.
I lost a lot of fats doing ninja jumps and sit ups.
I learned how to not look so awkward on stage.
To never close my eyes while singing a fast song.
Which part of the audience to sing to.
How to sing while jumping.
I learned how to sing alto. (not really well though) :/
I got to know certain people better =)
andddd... We had devotions/sharing/worshiping before practices.(I think I missed this the most)


The pictures