Friday, October 29, 2010

Fried Egg

My brain is fried and sizzling like an tamago (egg). Mmm,I love eggs.

Why? You ask? Because, thanks to the USELESS Awards Night practices, my laziness, and a few other factors, I had to rush to finish my final lifepac today. A lot of pressure there but to add to it, we had (in my opinion) a boring art class from morning till tea break (I studied for my lifepac while art class). Immediately after the break instead of doing the lifepac, I had to sit for a math test. The teacher that composed this quiz said that the point of the quiz is “to do what you can as fast as you can” and gave us 10 pages. After the math quiz which I did not have time to finish completely, we went for lunch. During lunch Angelina, Jamie, and me were studying for our lifepacs and getting all stressed. After eating, we headed back to the classroom to find that we needed to do a L.A. quiz (language arts, English) before we could sit for our lifepacs. This time the teacher gave 12 pages. Learning from my mistake with the math, I rapidly answered the questions until my fingers hurt :(. Knowing that I would not be able to finish my last lifepac if I ended the quiz too late, I decided that my lifepac was more worth it, and handed in my L.A. quiz. Sitting for my final lifepac was a tremendous, overwhelming, RELIEF. Having studied the whole day form my lifepac, I knew all the answers except for one careless mistake and the details of the definitions.

I got 92% and completed a total of 8 lifepacs this month with 6 of them over 90%

Sorry Teacher Daniel, no offence meant, I dislike art not you.

Look! Isn't this pretty? :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

This was the picture from SMILE 101
from left, Isaac, Isabella, and Yi en (I hope its the correct spelling) and me

Smile :)
I don't know whats wrong with all the people in fb, complaining that they are bored at home. I never get bored at home. Oh yeah, I have my Dee Dee! :D

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flip the ship.

FLIP (Floating Instrument Platform) is the US Navy's oldest, and most unusual, research vessel. FLIP's unique design is like a baseball bat, and it allows it to be the only vessel in the world that can operate both horizontally and vertically.

Scientific instruments are built sideways into the wall so that as the buoy flips, the instruments flip into a usable position as well. Most rooms on FLIP have two doors; one to use when horizontal, and the other when FLIP is vertical. Bunk beds, toilets, and stoves are built on swivels and gimbals, so they will turn along with the buoy, but the things that would not rotate so well, like sinks, are built both horizontally and vertically in each room.

FLIP was created in 1962 by scientists Dr. Fred Fisher and Dr. Fred Spiess, who wanted a more stable space than a normal research ship to study wave forms. FLIP can operate equally well in shallow water or depths of over 2,000 fathoms.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Smile 101

Last Sunday I went for a course in my church called “Smiile 101.” I was hesitant when my dad wanted to sign my whole family up for it because I thought it would be like the church membership course. But WHEEEEEE! It was Pastor Victor! Basically we learned how to share the Gospel and write a personal testimony. Smile stands for, S-Scan M-Move I-Initiate L-Linger E-Exit.

Halfway through his teaching, he asked us (in groups) to go to different shopping malls, approach a stranger, buy them a drink, talk with them and maybe slip in the personal testimony. Apparently this was supposed to be training to be friendly. I was in the same team as my two brothers and we were told to go to Bangsar Shopping Center.

When we reached there I made David talk to someone, and he approached the receptionist, and offered to buy him a coke. The guy refused, saying that he had just come back from his break. So we headed off to Cold Storage and we bought a Gatorade and a Coke. We gave the Gatorade to the receptionist, learned his name was Harry, talked for a very short while, and got a picture with him.

After taking the picture, I took the Coke and started talking to a pregnant lady named Yi En (I hope that’s how you spell it) with two little kids and a maid. She gave it to her little girl called Isabella and started talking to me. Apparently she used to go to SIBKL, but left it. Anyway yeah, then we took a picture and went off.

Soon David and me were bugging Michael to talk to someone. After trying Sony, and almost talking to a guy standing around, he finally started talking with this Scottish guy named John (or Jordan). David and I stood at the back cheering. :P

Soon it was time to leave, and we have decided that it wasn’t so hard to talk to a stranger after all. Now I know something I can do if I’m bored in a mall :D:D

A picture may speak a thousand words,
but a paragraph can give you a PERFECT picture.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

More poems :D

Yesterday, (Saturday) I started making poems and at the same time watching Zara make something on the Windows Media Player. THANKYOU ZARA! It'll probably save me a LOT of time from using only the powerpoint thing.

Anyway the poems:

Poem I am to make
It is as hard as cake
Zara says "ah"
Malaysians say "lah"
This is for boredom's sake.

Blue and yellow,
Red and green,
Are the feathers,
Parrots preen.

Then Zara suggested that I do a sonnet. Which had 9 syllables in each line. I'm not sure whether this is correct, but, every line has 9 syllables and end in 'est' :)

Down flew the happy bird from its nest.
Snatching many midnight snacks with zest.
Poor little worms a survival test.
Back into the hole no time to jest.
Back to your nest for a time of rest
Rest littlte bird then give your best
Babies temporarily are pests
But later proudly you send them west.