Sunday, February 7, 2010


Yes, I'm going to do a post on TOD. (Tabernacle Of David) (my old church) (where I went to for the first 9~10 years of my life almost every Sunday)

I decided to do this post because i wished someone from TOD "happy birthday" and the reply was "aww... you still remember me" Then I recalled a time when I actually smsed Melodie, and she said "You remember her rite?."

Suddenly I have realized they don't know how much i miss them. How everytime I see their pics on the Feast Of Tabernacles i feel like crying because I miss it, the fruits that would be put beside the stage, the dancing, the colourful things the people would hold up to let the kids run under. The Passover, where the kids would get to eat lunch that had quail eggs in it.

I miss the people. I miss my friends. I even miss the church building, because every picture I look at, that is inside the church building is filled with memories. Sanctuary 2, the kitchen, even the gate, (I remember searching for sweets during a treasure hunt there.) I feel sad for not being mature enough to join the youth before I left, but I still remember the first thing Rachel Yao shared at the youth when they were letting us try. (It was about sheep being stupid =) ) I miss the mushroom soup with rice and meatballs ( I still haven't eaten any nicer mushroom soup with rice than that) I remember how much it had hurt, when after I had left, and I came back for camp, you called me a "visitor." I remember when we were asked to do the dances and songs. I remember disliking being leader of a group at camp because some would not listen to me, but in the end it taught me patience. I remember how, when cell group came to my house, when they leave my room would be in a mess.

So you see, if I can still remember all these things that aren't important. How can I forget you all? You were and still are, my family =)

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