Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fictional essay on Amazing Race

This is a fictional essay on how I spent my holidays.

I spent my holiday going on the famous television show, the “Amazing Race” with my brother. Before the race, we met the other contestants and found out that we were competing against 7 other couples. My brother was so enthusiastic that when our host said we could start, he was the first to reach and tear open the clue.


Our clue ordered us to take the first flight to London and head towards the London Bridge. After a little trouble with our taxi driver, we reached the London Bridge and found that we were supposed to bungee jump off the London Bridge together. Scared but excited, we counted to three and jumped off together, screaming the whole way down. Our next clue told us to go to Big Ben, and count all the steps. We counted the 334 steps and got it right the first time. We hurried to the pit stop which was at the Buckingham Palace and arrived in third place.


The next day we were ordered by the our clue to fly to Amsterdam, and collect our the next clue at Poezenboot. Poezenboot is an unusual flea market and is home to an incredibly large number of homeless cats. Our clue told us to clean at least 10 cat cages. Wow, did they stink, my brother and me were utterly disgusted after just 2 cages. But we finished it and headed to where the next clue told us to go. We were instructed to row our own boat down the Brouwersgracht, one of the beautiful canals in Amsterdam. Finallly, we headed to the Old Center for the pitstop. We reached there in first place! We earned free tickets to New Zealand for free!


Waking up early in the morning we headed for Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. Reaching there, we visited the Tsimbazaza Zoo, where we were given the tasks to spot a fossa and feed a group of lemurs. Spotting the fossa was easy, but while we were trying to feed the lemurs, they became aggressive and started attacking us. My brother and I ran but I stumbled and broke my ankle. The zoo keeper reached us in time to drive away the lemurs, but I could not walk. The Amazing Race host sent us back home with extra free holiday tickets and a lot of cash. Probably hoping we won’t sue them for sending us into a dangerous environment.

A fossa :)

Too bad I can't put pictures into my real essay.

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