What is Newlife & Alpha? Part of the requirements of becoming a member is to go through a whole bunch of courses. Two of these courses are Newlife and Alpha. These past two years (or so) Zara kept asking me to go but I kept avoiding it. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to do it until maybe 2 or 3 years later because it sounded boring. However; Ps. Dan said that to come for camp this year we must go through the courses, and camp is one thing that I always look forward to each year. So oh well, I went for it, and found that…..
It’s not so bad after all! :D it is actually quite interesting and informative (and they provide milo). My only problem is trying to stay awake in the morning. I suggest you bring coffee or something.
It has helped me in getting more out of doing devotion, memorizing verses, and writing my own testimony! :D:D Yay!

woohoo! beautiful! nice nice!